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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 18.
  1. YouCodeGirls – YouCodeGirls - Weiterentwicklung der KI-gestützten Plattform YouCodeGirls

    YouCodeGirls – YouCodeGirls - Weiterentwicklung der KI-gestützten Plattform YouCodeGirls

    Das Projekt "YouCodeGirls" ist eine bundesweite Initiative, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Mädchen und junge Frauen für das Programmieren zu …

  2. Luminous – Language Augmentation for Humanverse

    Luminous – Language Augmentation for Humanverse

    LUMINOUS aims at the creation of the next generation of Language Augmented XR systems, where natural language-based communication and Multimodal Large …

  3. StereOFF – Automatisierte Identifikation und Analyse von Geschlechterstereotypen

    StereOFF – Automatisierte Identifikation und Analyse von Geschlechterstereotypen

    Geschlechterstereotype sind eine der Hauptursachen für Geschlechterungleichheiten. Diese Herausforderung möchte StereOFF angehen. …

  4. SHARESPACE – Embodied Social Experiences in Hybrid Shared Spaces

    SHARESPACE – Embodied Social Experiences in Hybrid Shared Spaces

    SHARESPACE will demonstrate a radically new technology for promoting ethical and social interaction in eXtended Reality (XR) Shared Hybrid Spaces …

  5. MASTER – MASTER: Mixed reality ecosystem for teaching robotics in manufacturing

    MASTER – MASTER: Mixed reality ecosystem for teaching robotics in manufacturing

    Many industries are transitioning to Industry 4.0 production models by adopting robots in their processes. In parallel, Extended Reality (XR) …

  6. KI-Kompass Inklusiv – Competence Centre on AI and Inclusion in the World of Work

    KI-Kompass Inklusiv – Competence Centre on AI and Inclusion in the World of Work

    The project is the follow-up project to KI.ASSIST (in which DFKI is already working successfully with 3 practice partners). Building on the results of …

  7. ToHyVe – Toolbox für Hybride Veranstaltungsformate

    ToHyVe – Toolbox für Hybride Veranstaltungsformate

    The changes in business communications triggered by the COVID 19 crisis will be lasting. Companies have learned that a large proportion of meetings …

  8. M-RoCK – Human-Machine Interaction Modeling for Continuous Improvement of Robot Behavior

    M-RoCK – Human-Machine Interaction Modeling for Continuous Improvement of Robot Behavior

    The current developments in digitalization, AI-based data processing, and powerful hardware lay the groundwork for future embodied AI assistants. …

  9. Carousel+ – Embodied Online Dancing with Digital Characters

    Carousel+ – Embodied Online Dancing with Digital Characters

    The aim of the project is to create new technical and scientific foundations for social and physical AI of the real world, especially for improved …

  10. ArchT – Methoden für die Architekturentwicklung intelligenter Systeme/ Architectural Thinking for Intelligent Systems

    ArchT – Methoden für die Architekturentwicklung intelligenter Systeme/ Architectural Thinking for Intelligent Systems

    Die Entwicklung komplexer intelligenter Systeme birgt zahlreiche Herausforderungen. Trotz ihrer Komplexität sollten solche Systeme für die Entwickler …