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Displaying results 11 to 18 of 18.
  1. NFDI4Ing – National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences

    NFDI4Ing – National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences

    NFDI4Ing is one of the funded consortia of the NFDI initiative of DFG ( NFDI4Ing …

  2. MtecPla – PlaMoWa-Europa-MtecPla. Missions- und Pfadplanungsverfahren.

    MtecPla – PlaMoWa-Europa-MtecPla. Missions- und Pfadplanungsverfahren.

    Development of monitoring techniques for the automated evaluation and visualization of marine plastics garbage on the seefloor Partners Planblue GmbH …

  3. SmartRecycling – SmartRecycling - AI and Robotics for a sustainable circular economy

    SmartRecycling – SmartRecycling - AI and Robotics for a sustainable circular economy

    Partners Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) Institut für Energie und Kreislaufwirtschaft an der Hochschule Bremen GmbH …

  4. SHARC – EnEff:Bremerhaven - Smart Concepts for Sustainable Energy in Ports

    SHARC – EnEff:Bremerhaven - Smart Concepts for Sustainable Energy in Ports

    Seven partners from research and industry have come together in SHARC to develop innovative concepts for sustainable energy management in port areas. …

  5. Mare-IT – Informationstechnologien für maritime Anwendungen

    Mare-IT – Informationstechnologien für maritime Anwendungen

    The project Mare-IT focusses on the question, how the information flow can be realized between robotic systems, control stations, systems for …

  6. FUSE – Future Smart Energy

    FUSE – Future Smart Energy

    FUSE explores and demonstrates the application of technologies based on artificial Intelligence to increase the resilience and stability of the future …

  7. ROBDEKON – Robotersystem für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen

    ROBDEKON – Robotersystem für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen

    ROBDEKON stands for "Robot systems for decontamination in hostile environments" and is dedicated to research in the field of autonomous or …

  8. JIRo – Joint Inspection Robot

    JIRo – Joint Inspection Robot

    The project JIRo is a joint venture of Shell Brasil and the Brazilian Institute for Robotics (BIR), which is a cooperation between the Brazilian …