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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 151.
  1. 5G-KL – 5G Kaiserslautern - Secure Communication and Localization for Automated Guided Vehicles in Flexible Production Environments

    5G-KL – 5G Kaiserslautern - Secure Communication and Localization for Automated Guided Vehicles in Flexible Production Environments

    The project is based on a 5G OpenRAN indoor network that will be installed in the joint demo room of the Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Factory …

  2. MODKOM – Modular components as Building Blocks for application-specific configurable space robots

    MODKOM – Modular components as Building Blocks for application-specific configurable space robots

    For service operations on satellites or the exploration of foreign planets, robotic systems will be of particular interest in the future, as they are …

  3. KI4ETA – Artificial intelligence for energy technologies and applications in production

    KI4ETA – Artificial intelligence for energy technologies and applications in production

    The KI4ETA project aims to achieve energy efficiency measures and operational optimization in production through the targeted use of AI. To achieve …

  4. CircThread – Building the Digital Thread for Circular Economy Product, Resource & Service Management

    CircThread – Building the Digital Thread for Circular Economy Product, Resource & Service Management

    The aim of the CircThread project in response to the SC5-31 H2020 call for projects, is to enhance decision making using information across the …

  5. SeMoSys – Virtual integration of hull segments and installation of systems

    SeMoSys – Virtual integration of hull segments and installation of systems

    Das Verbundprojekt SeMoSys - Sektionsmontage und Systeme hat die Zielsetzung, die Fertigung von Strukturen und die Installation von Systemen in der …

  6. ErgoBest – Erhebung ergonomischer Best Practices in industriellen Arbeitsprozessen  mittels Internet-of-Things und Mixed Reality

    ErgoBest – Erhebung ergonomischer Best Practices in industriellen Arbeitsprozessen mittels Internet-of-Things und Mixed Reality

    MOTIVATION Ergonomische Fehlhaltungen tragen zu einem erhöhten Krankenstand und einem gesundheitsbedingten frühen Ausscheiden aus der Arbeitswelt bei. …

  7. PAIRS – Privacy-Aware, intelligent and Resilient Crisis Management

    PAIRS – Privacy-Aware, intelligent and Resilient Crisis Management

    In an increasingly interconnected and dynamic world, crises are inevitable, hard to predict, and pose immense challenges that demand robust, effective …

  8. TRIPLEADAPT – Adaptive, interoperationale Weiterbildungsplattformen durch einen Digitalen Drilling

    TRIPLEADAPT – Adaptive, interoperationale Weiterbildungsplattformen durch einen Digitalen Drilling

    Das übergeordnete Projektziel ist die partizipative Entwicklung eines Digitalen Drillings unter Einbindung aller relevanter betrieblicher Akteure, …

  9. AI-NET-ANTILLAS – Accellerating digital transformation in europe by Intelligent NETwork automation - Automated Network Telecom Infrastructure with inteLLigent Autonomous Systems

    AI-NET-ANTILLAS – Accellerating digital transformation in europe by Intelligent NETwork automation - Automated Network Telecom Infrastructure with inteLLigent Autonomous Systems

    The AI-NET sub-project AI-NET-ANTILLAS focusses on the development of infrastructure elements for automated telecommunication networks to make them …



    Unter gleichwertiger Betrachtung von XAI-Verfahren und fundierten Methoden der Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) verfolgt das Projekt ExPro das Ziel, …