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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 26.
  1. myRPA – Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

    myRPA – Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enables further automation of processes across existing systems. As RPA can act like humans and thus is able to read, …

  2. KAI – AI-supported assistant for interior development

    KAI – AI-supported assistant for interior development

    Within the framework of the research project "AI-supported assistant for interior development" (KAI), a development tool is to be created that uses AI …

  3. Eghi – Advanced health intelligence for personal behaviour strategies in everyday life

    Eghi – Advanced health intelligence for personal behaviour strategies in everyday life

    Although interest in and commitment to one's own health is increasing among the population as a whole, it is often difficult for individuals to …

  4. STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR is a joint effort of AI and digital manufacturing experts towards enabling the deployment of standard-based secure, safe and reliable …

  5. Carousel+ – Embodied Online Dancing with Digital Characters

    Carousel+ – Embodied Online Dancing with Digital Characters

    The aim of the project is to create new technical and scientific foundations for social and physical AI of the real world, especially for improved …

  6. NotAs – Multilingualer Notruf Assistenz: Unterstützung der Notrufaufnahme durch KI-basierte Sprachverarbeitung

    NotAs – Multilingualer Notruf Assistenz: Unterstützung der Notrufaufnahme durch KI-basierte Sprachverarbeitung

    NotAs explores the feasibility of an AI-supported emergency call assistant to support dispatchers in a 112-call center in handling foreign language …

  7. TAILOR – Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

    TAILOR – Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

    The TAILOR project was selected by the European Commission in the ICT-48-2020 call for proposals "Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence …

  8. HumanE-AI-Net – HumanE AI Network

    HumanE-AI-Net – HumanE AI Network

    The HumanE AI Network brings together European centers of excellence, universities, and key industry champions in a network of centers of excellence …

  9. ViCKI – KI im Cockpit - proaktive Informationsassistenz für Single Crew Betrieb

    ViCKI – KI im Cockpit - proaktive Informationsassistenz für Single Crew Betrieb

    Modelle und Erkennungsalgorithmen für Informationskontexte und Prozesszustände zur kontextspezifischen proaktiven Informationsbereitstellung durch …

  10. KiMMI SF – Adaptive software framework for context-sensitive, intuitive man-machine-interaction

    KiMMI SF – Adaptive software framework for context-sensitive, intuitive man-machine-interaction

    The aim of project "KiMMI SF" is the development of a software framework for flexible and context-optimized man-machine-interaction. On the one hand, …