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Displaying results 1 to 5 of 5.
  1. LaLaMo – Large Language Models and Humans in the loop

    LaLaMo – Large Language Models and Humans in the loop

    The Design Research eXplorations (DRX) team at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH and SAP are investigating how a …

  2. ToCaro – Experiencing together - sharing emotions

    ToCaro – Experiencing together - sharing emotions

    Social interaction is one of the essential factors that determine personal quality of life, which is also shown by the spread of social media. But the …

  3. Minodu – Nachhaltiges Landmanagement in Subsahara-Afrika: Durch Forschung vor Ort Lebensgrundlagen verbessern

    Minodu – Nachhaltiges Landmanagement in Subsahara-Afrika: Durch Forschung vor Ort Lebensgrundlagen verbessern

    Klimawandel und stetiger Zuwachs der Weltbevölkerung stellen die Anforderungen des nachhaltigen Landmanagements und die Schonung natürlicher …

  4. KosmoS – Cooperative, modular, mobile Smart Life Lab

    KosmoS – Cooperative, modular, mobile Smart Life Lab

    The aim of the project is to support researchers in the design, evaluation and subsequent mediation of networked objects. For this purpose, a flexible …

  5. MYOW – MYOW - Make your own wearables

    MYOW – MYOW - Make your own wearables

    The goal of the joint project "MYOW - Make your Own Wearables" is to bring together designers, makers, service providers and manufacturers to develop …