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Displaying results 21 to 30 of 34.
  1. KOSMOX – Entwicklung einer neuartigen lokalen kontrafaktischen Erklärungsmethode und -schnittstelle unter Berücksichtigung kognitiver Modelierungsansätze

    KOSMOX – Entwicklung einer neuartigen lokalen kontrafaktischen Erklärungsmethode und -schnittstelle unter Berücksichtigung kognitiver Modelierungsansätze

    Im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) sind Black-Box-Modelle gegenüber konventionellen Verfahren zwar überlegen, liefern allerdings keine …

  2. ExplAINN – Explainable AI and Neural Networks

    ExplAINN – Explainable AI and Neural Networks

    Despite astonishing progress in the field of Machine Learning (ML), the robustness of high-performance models, especially the ones based on Deep …

  3. COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    This project aims to develop the next generation of the digital twin, which is self-learning and proactive. This means firstly, it learns from …

  4. PLASS – Platform for Analytical Supply Chain Management Services

    PLASS – Platform for Analytical Supply Chain Management Services

    The goal of the PLASS project is the development of a prototypical B2B platform for AI-based decision support for supply chain management. The focus …

  5. SciBot – Data Science Chatbot: A text-based interface, that learns from experts to support experts

    SciBot – Data Science Chatbot: A text-based interface, that learns from experts to support experts

    The goal of this project is the development of efficient methods for analyzing and for learning to analyse the user behavior during interactions with …

  6. SPOTTeD (SC_Lahann) – Spot Inconsistencies in Tax-related Transactional Data

    SPOTTeD (SC_Lahann) – Spot Inconsistencies in Tax-related Transactional Data

    Ziel des Projekts "SPOTTeD" ist die automatisierte Analyse von Transaktionsdaten zur Erkennung und Visualisierung steuerlich falsch klassifizierter …

  7. COC-TT – Center of Comptence Tax Technology

    COC-TT – Center of Comptence Tax Technology

    Das Center of Comptence Tax Technology (CoC-TT) beinhaltet eine zielgerichtete thematische Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Deutschen Forschungszentrum für …

  8. DeFuseNN – Deep Fusion für Neuronale Netze

    DeFuseNN – Deep Fusion für Neuronale Netze

    Motivation Focused research and development in the field of Deep Learning, especially in recent years, has resulted in a variety of different network …

  9. CoMem – Corporate Memory

    CoMem – Corporate Memory

    CoMem is an ecosystem based on evolving knowledge graphs integrating information silos and legacy systems as well as (personal) information sources of …

  10. Managed Forgetting – Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories:  Foundations and Methods of Managed Forgetting for Knowledge Workers

    Managed Forgetting – Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Foundations and Methods of Managed Forgetting for Knowledge Workers

    Introducing ‘forgetting’ into organizational knowledge management methods and practices promises to help overcome information overload and to ease …