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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 211.
  1. 3S-II – AI-based detection of steroid sample swapping in the anti-doping area and analysis of the associated decision-making processes

    3S-II – AI-based detection of steroid sample swapping in the anti-doping area and analysis of the associated decision-making processes

    Anti-doping analyses are important in maintaining fairness and integrity in sports, with robust measures required to fight against cheating and …

  2. Taxas – Tax-aware Intelligent Document Analytics

    Taxas – Tax-aware Intelligent Document Analytics

    Die Dokumentenverarbeitung stellt einen großen Teil des täglichen Arbeitsaufkommens in Unternehmen dar und bietet ein hohes Potenzial zur Optimierung …

  3. Luminous – Language Augmentation for Humanverse

    Luminous – Language Augmentation for Humanverse

    LUMINOUS aims at the creation of the next generation of Language Augmented XR systems, where natural language-based communication and Multimodal Large …

  4. YouCodeGirls – YouCodeGirls - Weiterentwicklung der KI-gestützten Plattform YouCodeGirls

    YouCodeGirls – YouCodeGirls - Weiterentwicklung der KI-gestützten Plattform YouCodeGirls

    Das Projekt "YouCodeGirls" ist eine bundesweite Initiative, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Mädchen und junge Frauen für das Programmieren zu …

  5. NEARBY – Noise and variability-free BCI systems for out-of-the-lab use

    NEARBY – Noise and variability-free BCI systems for out-of-the-lab use

    Brain-computer interfaces, or BCIs for short, offer a promising possibility for human-machine interaction based on brain signals, especially as an …

  6. BERTHA – BEhavioural Replication of Human drivers for CCAM

    BERTHA – BEhavioural Replication of Human drivers for CCAM

    The Horizon Europe project BERTHA kicked off on November 22nd-24th in Valencia, Spain. The project has been granted €7,981,799.50 from the European …

  7. COMET – Consumer Empowerment und Teilhabe an der Domäne Smart Living

    COMET – Consumer Empowerment und Teilhabe an der Domäne Smart Living

    Die Bedeutung der Smart-Living-Domäne für die deutsche Wirtschaft wächst kontinuierlich und präsentiert sich als vielversprechender Markt. Auf …

  8. FAIRe – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially in embedded, cyber-physical devices with …

  9. FAIRe_RIC – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe_RIC – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe aims to develop resource-limited AI for embedded systems, cyber-physical systems, and edge devices. The development approach should extend …

  10. HumAIne – Hybrid Human-AI Decision Support for Enhanced Human Empowerment in Dynamic Situations

    HumAIne – Hybrid Human-AI Decision Support for Enhanced Human Empowerment in Dynamic Situations

    At HumAIne, we aim to pioneer the development and integration of innovative AI paradigms. Our goal is to make human-AI collaboration not only advanced …