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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 53.
  1. INSYS – INTerpretable monitoring SYStems

    INSYS – INTerpretable monitoring SYStems

    The INSYS project is concerned with the interpretability of learned models and the resulting possibilities for self-monitoring of complex robotic …

  2. DeeperSense – Deep-Learning for Multimodal Sensor Fusion

    DeeperSense – Deep-Learning for Multimodal Sensor Fusion

    The main objective of DeeperSense is to significantly improve the capabilities for environment perception of service robots to improve their …

  3. CLAIRE Saarland II – The CLAIRE Saarland Project

    CLAIRE Saarland II – The CLAIRE Saarland Project

    In June 2018, the CLAIRE initiative was launched with the aim of joining forces in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Europe with a focus on …

  4. TRIPLE-nanoAUV 1 – Localisation and perception of a miniaturized autonomous underwater vehicle for the exploration of subglacial lakes

    TRIPLE-nanoAUV 1 – Localisation and perception of a miniaturized autonomous underwater vehicle for the exploration of subglacial lakes

    The aim of the TRIPLE project line is to design and build a system for scientific exploration of subglacial lakes while validating the associated …

  5. TAILOR – Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

    TAILOR – Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

    The TAILOR project was selected by the European Commission in the ICT-48-2020 call for proposals "Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence …

  6. QINROS – QINROS - Quanten computing and quantum machine learning for intelligent and robotic systems

    QINROS – QINROS - Quanten computing and quantum machine learning for intelligent and robotic systems

    The goal of QINROS, based on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Quantum Computing agenda of the Robotics Working Group and DFKI RIC, is to …

  7. MATE – Maritime Traffic Emissions: A monitoring network

    MATE – Maritime Traffic Emissions: A monitoring network

    Maritime ship traffic is globally increasing with 90% of the world trade being carried over the ocean. The emissions of the maritime traffic are a …

  8. Moveon – Visuelles robustes räumliches Szenenverständnis in dynamischen Umgebungen unter Verwendung von intermediären Darstellungen

    Moveon – Visuelles robustes räumliches Szenenverständnis in dynamischen Umgebungen unter Verwendung von intermediären Darstellungen

    Die visuelle 3D-Erfassung einer Szene in Echtzeit und die gleichzeitige Bestimmung der Position und Orientierung der Kamera (6DoF, Freiheitsgrad) im …

  9. CAMELOT – Continuous Adaptive Machine-Learning of Transfer of Control Situations

    CAMELOT – Continuous Adaptive Machine-Learning of Transfer of Control Situations

    A remaining major challenge with autonomous systems is the handling of situations that the system cannot handle on its own. Up to now, this transfer …

  10. SmartRecycling – SmartRecycling - AI and Robotics for a sustainable circular economy

    SmartRecycling – SmartRecycling - AI and Robotics for a sustainable circular economy

    Partners Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) Institut für Energie und Kreislaufwirtschaft an der Hochschule Bremen GmbH …