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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 11.
  1. CALAHARI – CALamity Adaptes HARvesting Innovation

    CALAHARI – CALamity Adaptes HARvesting Innovation

    CALAHARI is a vision for a robot-assisted, semi-autonomous timber harvesting process. The synthesis of the requirements analysis for successful …

  2. R4Agri – Reasoning auf landwirtschaftlichen Daten - Integration von Metriken und qualitativen Perspektiven

    R4Agri – Reasoning auf landwirtschaftlichen Daten - Integration von Metriken und qualitativen Perspektiven

    "Entferne schädliches Unkraut auf dem Feld, aber setze keine chemischen Mittel in der Nähe eines Gewässers ein!" Bei der Durchführung …

  3. COOPERANTS – COllabOrative Processes and sERvices for AeroNauTics and Space

    COOPERANTS – COllabOrative Processes and sERvices for AeroNauTics and Space

    The flagship project "Collaborative Processes and Services for Aeronautics and Space" (COOPERANTS) is a project funded by the Federal Ministry for …

  4. MaLeBeCo – Machine Learning Application Benchmarking on COTS Inference Processors

    MaLeBeCo – Machine Learning Application Benchmarking on COTS Inference Processors

    The main objectives of the activity cover the following aspects: Generation of a reusable and open reference dataset: For this activity several …

  5. resKIL – Resource-efficient AI for Embedded Systems in Agricultural Machines

    resKIL – Resource-efficient AI for Embedded Systems in Agricultural Machines

    The application of AI methods appears to be useful in agriculture because the environment is highly dynamic, not fully known and not fully …

  6. STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR is a joint effort of AI and digital manufacturing experts towards enabling the deployment of standard-based secure, safe and reliable …

  7. NFDI4Ing – National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences

    NFDI4Ing – National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences

    NFDI4Ing is one of the funded consortia of the NFDI initiative of DFG ( NFDI4Ing …

  8. InCoRAP – Intentionsbasierte kooperative Roboterhandlungsplanung und Werkerunterstützung in Fabrikumgebungen

    InCoRAP – Intentionsbasierte kooperative Roboterhandlungsplanung und Werkerunterstützung in Fabrikumgebungen

    The InCoRAP project investigates human-robot interaction in factory environments, taking into account human intention. This allows for a smooth …

  9. KICK – Künstliche Intelligenz in Kommunikationsnetzen

    KICK – Künstliche Intelligenz in Kommunikationsnetzen

    Das Ziel von KICK ist es, den Betrieb von künftigen 5G-Campus-Netzen durch den Einsatz von KI-Methoden signifikant zu vereinfachen und zu verbessern. …

  10. Mare-IT – Informationstechnologien für maritime Anwendungen

    Mare-IT – Informationstechnologien für maritime Anwendungen

    The project Mare-IT focusses on the question, how the information flow can be realized between robotic systems, control stations, systems for …