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  1. Dimitar Shterionov; Mirella De Sisto; Davy Van Landuyt; Rehana Omardeen; Shaun O'Boyle; Annelies Braffort; Floris Roelofsen; Frédéric Blain; Bram Vanroy; Eleftherios Avramidis (Hrsg.)

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages

    International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages (AT4SSL-2023), located at 24th Annual Conference of The European …

  2. Vincent Vandeghinste; Mirella De Sisto; Maria Kopf; Davy Van Landuyt Picron; Irene Murtagh; Eleftherios Avramidis; Mathieu De Coster

    European Language Equality, Report on Europe's Sign Languages

    In: Maria Giagkou; Stelios Piperidis; Georg Rehm; Jane Dunne (Hrsg.). Project European Language Equality (ELE). Pages 1-31, ELE Consortium, 5/2023.

  3. Esther Zahn; Hannah Friederike Fischer; Clara Elisabeth Gleiß; Eleftherios Avramidis; Gesche Joost

    Textile Game Controller: Smart knee pads for Therapeutic Exercising

    In: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. International Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …

  4. Challenging the State-of-the-art Machine Translation Metrics from a Linguistic Perspective

    In: Philipp Koehn; Barry Haddow; Tom Kocmi; Christof Monz (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Machine Translation. Conference on Machine …

  5. Linguistically Motivated Evaluation of Machine Translation Metrics based on a Challenge Set

    In: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation. Conference on Machine Translation (WMT-2022), December 7-8, Abu Dhabi, United Arab …

  6. Markus Freitag; Ricardo Rei; Nitika Mathur; Chi-kiu Lo; Craig Stewart; Eleftherios Avramidis; Tom Kocmi; George Foster; Alon Lavie; André F. T. Martins

    Results of WMT22 Metrics Shared Task: Stop Using BLEU – Neural Metrics Are Better and More Robust

    In: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation. Conference on Machine Translation (WMT), December 7-8, Abu Dhabi, United Arab …

  7. Experimental Machine Translation of the Swiss German Sign Language via 3D Augmentation of Body Keypoints

    In: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation. Conference on Machine Translation (WMT-22), December 7-8, Abu Dhabi, United Arab …

  8. Mathias Müller; Sarah Ebling; Eleftherios Avramidis; Alessia Battisti; Michèle Berger; Richard Bowden; Annelies Braffort; Necati Cihan Camgöz; Cristina España-Bonet; Roman Grundkiewicz; Zifan Jiang; Oscar Koller; Amit Moryossef; Regula Perrollaz; Sabine Reinhard; Annette Rios; Dimitar Shterionov; Sandra Sidler-Miserez; Katja Tissi; Davy Van Landuyt

    Findings of the First WMT Shared Task on Sign Language Translation (WMT-SLT22)

    In: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation. Conference on Machine Translation (WMT-2022), December 8, Abu Dhabi, United Arab …

  9. A Linguistically Motivated Test Suite to Semi-Automatically Evaluate German--English Machine Translation Output

    In: Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Marseille, …

  10. A Test Suite for the Evaluation of Portuguese-English Machine Translation

    In: Vládia Pinheiro; Pablo Gamallo; Raquel Amaro; Carolina Scarton; Fernando Batista; Diego Silva; Catarina Magro; Hugo Pinto (Hrsg.). 15th …