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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 540.
  1. Abdallah Salama; Carsten Binnig; Tim Kraska; Erfan Zamanian

    Cost-based Fault-tolerance for Parallel Data Processing

    In: Timos K. Sellis; Susan B. Davidson; Zachary G. Ives (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. …

  2. Erfan Zamanian; Carsten Binnig; Abdallah Salama

    Locality-aware Partitioning in Parallel Database Systems

    In: Timos K. Sellis; Susan B. Davidson; Zachary G. Ives (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. …

  3. Carsten Binnig; Abdallah Salama; Erfan Zamanian; Muhammad El-Hindi; Sebastian Feil; Tobias Ziegler

    Spotgres - parallel data analytics on Spot Instances

    In: 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE-2015), April 13-17, …

  4. Andrew Crotty; Alex Galakatos; Emanuel Zgraggen; Carsten Binnig; Tim Kraska

    Vizdom: Interactive Analytics through Pen and Touch

    In: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Vol. 8, No. 12, Pages 2024-2027, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2015.

  5. Andrew Crotty; Alex Galakatos; Kayhan Dursun; Tim Kraska; Carsten Binnig; Ugur Çetintemel; Stan Zdonik

    An Architecture for Compiling UDF-centric Workflows

    In: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Vol. 8, No. 12, Pages 1466-1477, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2015.

  6. Pavel Pecina; Antonio Toral; Vassilis Papavassiliou; Prokopis Prokopidis; Ales Tamchyna; Andy; Way; Josef van Genabith

    Domain adaptation of statistical machine translation with domain-focused web crawling

    In: Journal on Language Resources and Evaluation, Vol. 49, No. 1, Pages 147-193, Springer, 2015.

  7. Marc Fetscherin; Daniel Heinrich

    Consumer brand relationships research: A bibliometric citation meta-analysis

    In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 68, No. 2, Pages 380-390, Elsevier, 2015.

  8. Babak Naderi; Tim Polzehl; Ina Wechsung; Friedemann Köster; Sebastian Möller

    Effect of Trapping Questions on the Reliability of Speech Quality Judgments in a Crowdsourcing Paradigm

    In: 16th Ann. Conf. of the Int. Speech Comm. Assoc. (Interspeech 2015). Conference in the Annual Series of Interspeech Events (INTERSPEECH-2015), …

  9. Tim Polzehl; Babak Naderi; Friedemann Köster; Sebastian Möller

    Robustness in Speech Quality Assessment and Temporal Training Expiry in Mobile Crowdsourcing Environments

    In: 16th Ann. Conf. of the Int. Speech Comm. Assoc. (Interspeech 2015). Conference in the Annual Series of Interspeech Events (INTERSPEECH-2015), …

  10. Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis; Jörg Daubert; Manisha Luthra; Vangelis Gazis; Alex Wiesmaier; Panayotis Kikiras

    On the Security and Privacy of Internet of Things Architectures and Systems

    In: 2015 International Workshop on Secure Internet of Things (SIoT). European Symposium on Computer Security (ESORICS), Austria, Pages 49-57, ISBN …