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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 171.
  1. Kristian Kersting; Luc De Raedt

    Bayesian Logic Programs

    In: James Cussens; Alan M. Frisch (Hrsg.). Inductive Logic Programming, 10th International Conference. International Conference on Inductive Logic …

  2. Miguel Alonso Pardo; Mark-Jan Nederhof; Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie

    Tabulation of Automata for Tree-Adjoining Languages

    In: Grammars, Vol. 3, Pages 89-110, 2000.

  3. Mark-Jan Nederhof; Giorgio Satta

    Left-To-Right Parsing and Bilexical Context-Free Grammars

    In: Sergei Nirenburg; Douglas Appelt; Fabio Ciravegna; Robert Dale (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference and …

  4. Mark-Jan Nederhof

    Regular Approximation of CFLs: A Grammatical View

    In: Harry Bunt; Anton Nijholt (Hrsg.). Advances in Probabilistic and other Parsing Technologies. Pages 221-241, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

  5. Mark-Jan Nederhof

    Preprocessing for Unification Parsing of Spoken Language

    In: Dimitris Christodoulakis (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing - NLP 2000, June 2-4. Conference on Applied Natural Language …

  6. Mark-Jan Nederhof

    Practical Experiments with Regular Approximation of Context-Free Languages

    In: Computational Linguistics (CL), Vol. 26, No. 1, Pages 17-44, 2000.

  7. Stefan Müller

    The Passive as a Lexical Rule

    In: Daniel Flickinger; Andreas Kathol (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. International …

  8. Stefan Müller

    Object-to-Subject Raising or Lexical Rule - An HPSG Analysis of the German Passive

    In: Werner Zühlke; Ernst G. Schukat-Talamazzini (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 5. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache, Sprachkommunikation. …

  9. Stefan Müller

    German Particle Verbs and the Predicate Complex

    In: Ronnie Cann; Claire Grover; Philip Miller (Hrsg.). Grammatical Interfaces in HPSG. Pages 215-229, Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism, Vol. 8, …

  10. Stefan Müller

    Continuous or Discontinuous Constituents

    In: Erhard Hinrichs; Detmar Meurers; Shuly Wintner (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the ESSLLI'00 Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Grammar Implementation, …