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© SmartFactory-KL / A. Sell

Innovative Factory Systems


Page 1 of 9.

  1. RAASCEMAN - Resilient and Adaptive Supply Chains for Capability-based Manufacturing as a Service Networks

    The manufacturing sector faces challenges such as increasing international competition, political tensions, material shortages or unpredictable natural events. The RAASCEMAN project aims to mitigate…

  2. RIG - Robotics Institute Germany

    Robotics Institute Germany, national joint project of robotics research in Germany, coordinated by TU Munich

    The Robotics Institute Germany is an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and…

  3. DACE - Data Competence Centre for Circular Economy Data

    The aim of the circular economy (CE) is to enable sustainable development through the effective and efficient use of materials by minimising the extraction of resources from the environment as well as…

  4. HumAIne - Hybrid Human-AI Decision Support for Enhanced Human Empowerment in Dynamic Situations

    At HumAIne, we aim to pioneer the development and integration of innovative AI paradigms. Our goal is to make human-AI collaboration not only advanced but also profoundly reliable, even in dynamic and…

  5. BaSys4Transfer - Verbundprojekt BaSys4Transfer: BaSys - Transformation von Unternehmensprozessen, Fertigung und IT-Systeme zur Industrie 4.0

    Um die langfristige Verfügbarkeit der Eclipse BaSyx Middleware zu gewährleisten und die Investitionen in die Open-Source Middleware zu sichern sollen mit Hilfe des beantragten Projekts identifizierte…

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Isabel Rheinheimer
Phone: +49 631 20575 3401

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Research Department Innovative Factory Systems
Trippstadter Str. 122
67663 Kaiserslautern