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Marine Perception


  1. “Digitalization in Natural Sciences”: State of Lower Saxony funds five research projects in Oldenburg

    Four times marine sciences, one time quantum physics: As part of the programme "Digitalization in Natural Sciences", the State Ministry of Science of …

  2. Using AI against plastic – DFKI technologies provide important insights for the fight against waste in South East Asia

    Millions of tons of plastic are floating in the oceans, threatening the ecosystem and mankind on an increasing scale. Especially countries in South …

  3. Celebrating green change: PGS and DFKI present technologies for environmental protection at Greentech Festival 2020

    Green light for an environmentally friendly future: After the delay of the second Greentech Festival due to the Corona virus, the event previously …

  4. 45 meters draught: Test Center for Maritime Technologies puts research area off Helgoland in the North Sea into operatio

    Only a few nautical miles away from the island of Helgoland, eight yellow buoys mark a three square kilometers large and 45 meters deep test field …

  5. Künstliche Intelligenz in Niedersachsen – Ministerpräsident Weil besucht DFKI-Labor

    Wie gestaltet sich die digitale Transformation, wo werden KI- und Big-Data-Anwendungen bereits genutzt? Zu diesen Fragen informierte sich der …


Monika Topp
Phone: +49 421 17845 4711

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
DFKI Niedersachsen
Marine Perception
Marie-Curie-Straße 1
26129 Oldenburg