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Robotics Innovation Center


Page 2 of 32.

  1. TESTUDO - Autonomous Swarm of Heterogeneous Resources in Infrastructure Protection via Threat Prediction and Prevention

    TESTUDO. Autonomous Swarm of Heterogeneous Resources in Infrastructure Protection via Threat Prediction and Prevention.

    EU HORIZON-CL3-2022-INFRA-01-02


  2. TRIPLE-GNC - DFKI subproject: acoustic and visual perception of a miniaturized autonomous underwater vehicle for exploration of subglacial lakes

    The aim of the TRIPLE project line is to design and build a system for scientific exploration of subglacial lakes while validating the associated …

  3. AAPLE - Expanding the Action-Affordance Envelope for Planetary Exploration using Dynamics Legged Robots

    Space travel with human astronauts is associated with enormous costs and hazards without offering an immediate return on investment. Thus, the …

  4. HARTU - Work-Piece-Handling - Reusable robot capacities and skills for part handling in manufacturing environments

    HARTU (Handling with AI-enhanced Robotic Technologies for flexible ManUfacturing) will provide components for automatic planning and control of …

  5. CleanSeas - CleanSeas

    New robotic manipulation techniques and AI algorithms for the precise handling of objects in the sea using the example of ammunition dumps / UXO

    Approx …

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Field Test Eurex Luna 2022


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German Research Center for
Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI)
Robotics Innovation Center
Robert-Hooke-Str. 1
28359 Bremen