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Projekt | MetaMath


Modern Educational Technologies for Math Curricula in Engineering Education of Russia

The objective of the proposed project is to improve the quality of STEM education in Russia by modernizing and improving the curricula and teaching methods in the field of Mathematics. The process of modernization will start from the fundamental revision of the way math studies are organized in all Russian universities offering degrees in STEM. After that, the further steps will be taken to modernize the content and teaching methods by introducing principles of blended learning and modern educational technologies.


  • Association for Engineering Education of Russia
  • Kazan State Technical University
  • N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky
  • Saint Petersburg Electrotechnocal University (LETI)
  • Tampere University of Technology
  • Tver State University
  • Universität des Saarlandes
  • Université Claude Bernard Lyon


EU - Europäische Union

EU - Europäische Union