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Prof. Dr. Jörn Hees

Contact +49 631 20575 1180 (Kaiserslautern)
Address (Kaiserslautern)


All publications


  • TreeSatAI

    Künstliche Intelligenz mit Erdbeobachtungs- und Multi-Source Geodaten für das Infrastruktur-, Naturschutz und Waldmonitoring

    Remote sensing data from various space missions as well as geodata on the state of the environment are increasingly available free of charge in immense quantities.At the same time, social media…

  • MInD-Phase_1

    Machine Intelligence and Deep Learning

    Ziel des Projekts “Machine Intelligence and Deep Learning” (MInD) ist die Identifikation und Nutzung von Deep Learning Technologien zur sozio-technischen Gestaltung des digitalen Wandels. Dazu sollen…

  • DeFuseNN

    Deep Fusion für Neuronale Netze


    Focused research and development in the field of Deep Learning, especially in recent years, has resulted in a variety of different network types, architectures, modules, training methods…

  • MOM

    Multimedia Opinion Mining

    This project aims to address the challenge of opinion mining of multimedia content from the web. This comprises a large-scale multi-modal analysis of social media streams and their underlying network…
