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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 29.
  1. AI for the Cloud – DFKI and Google expand their partnership

    AI for the Cloud – DFKI and Google expand their partnership

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Google are intensifying their collaboration. With funding from Google, four new ...

  2. Viewing the world through human eyes: DFKI-Technology shows robots how it's done

    Viewing the world through human eyes: DFKI-Technology shows robots how it's done

    How can we teach organic visual orientation to machines? That is exactly what scientists at the German Research Centre of Artificial Intelligence ...

  3. Green-AI Hub Mittelstand: Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke gibt das Startsignal für das Green-AI Hub Mobil

    Green-AI Hub Mittelstand: Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke gibt das Startsignal für das Green-AI Hub Mobil

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke hat am 13. März auf dem Zukunftstag Mittelstand in Berlin das Green-AI Hub Mobil vorgestellt. Das Team des ...

  4. FAZ-D:Economy-Podcast: Wie wälzt Künstliche Intelligenz die Landwirtschaft um, Herr Hertzberg?

    FAZ-D:Economy-Podcast: Wie wälzt Künstliche Intelligenz die Landwirtschaft um, Herr Hertzberg?

    Podcast-Sendung mit Prof. Dr. Joachim Hertzberg vom 06.10.2023. Von Alexander Armbruster.

  5. International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing in Kaiserslautern

    International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing in Kaiserslautern

    The International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing will be held from September 7-9, 2023 in Kaiserslautern, Germany.

  6. Beyond ChatGPT: How can Europe become a leader in generative AI?

    Beyond ChatGPT: How can Europe become a leader in generative AI?

    This question will be answered by an event hosted by the European research network HumanE-AI-Net on May 25, 2023, at the European Parliament in ...

  7. CARVE-DL - Artificial Intelligence for Combating Crime

    CARVE-DL - Artificial Intelligence for Combating Crime

    New project aims to improve and speed up the processing, analysis and recovery of crime-fighting data.

  8. AI for Marine Protection

    AI for Marine Protection

    How DFKI aims to eliminate plastic waste in deep sea and on the water surface

  9. DFKI beim Digitaltag 2022

    DFKI beim Digitaltag 2022

    Wenn Künstliche Intelligenz bei Diagnosen mitdenkt oder wie aus Pferden Zebras werden. Was ist eine „intelligente“ Wursttheke und wie denkt …

  10. DFKI present at Open Day Saarland University 2022

    DFKI present at Open Day Saarland University 2022

    After two years as a digital event, Saarland University's Open Day will be held in attendance mode on Saturday, May 21, 2022. DFKI will also be ...