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News Overview


Displaying results 1 to 10 of 129.
  1.  3rd Workshop of the IQZ Kaiserslautern - Transparency in AI: From Bias Awareness to Documentation Practices

    3rd Workshop of the IQZ Kaiserslautern - Transparency in AI: From Bias Awareness to Documentation Practices

    Together with you, the team at IQZ would like to start the new year with fresh ideas! We would therefore like to invite you to the continuation of our ...

  2. Wildlife conservation in offshore wind farms: DFKI develops autonomous underwater robot to monitor marine biodiversity

    Wildlife conservation in offshore wind farms: DFKI develops autonomous underwater robot to monitor marine biodiversity

    Sustainable monitoring of the marine environment is crucial for the environmentally responsible operation of offshore wind farms and the protection of ...

  3. Digital ecosystem for AI-based robotics – DFKI involved in large joint project “RoX”

    Digital ecosystem for AI-based robotics – DFKI involved in large joint project “RoX”

    The joint project “RoX”, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), was officially launched in September. The ...

  4. Responsible AI in the Automotive Industry – Accenture and DFKI Present Joint White Paper

    Responsible AI in the Automotive Industry – Accenture and DFKI Present Joint White Paper

    Deep learning is an AI technology that has significantly shaped the last decade, whether it's recognizing medical conditions, creative applications ...

  5. Projekt zur Bewertung von KI im Medienbereich gestartet – Förderung durch die Staatskanzlei des Saarlandes

    Projekt zur Bewertung von KI im Medienbereich gestartet – Förderung durch die Staatskanzlei des Saarlandes

    Welche Auswirkungen hat Künstliche Intelligenz auf die Meinungsbildung in unserer Demokratie? Dieser Frage geht ein interdisziplinäres Forscherteam ...

  6. Intelligent Solutions for Future-Oriented Space Robots – DFKI Presents Current Research at the 14th EASN International Conference

    Intelligent Solutions for Future-Oriented Space Robots – DFKI Presents Current Research at the 14th EASN International Conference

    Scientists at the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center in Bremen are working on robots that can overcome steep lunar craters and traverse the rough Martian ...

  7. Project Luminous: The next level of Augmented Reality

    Project Luminous: The next level of Augmented Reality

    In a constantly changing world – saturated with a multitude of impressions – it can sometimes be difficult to maintain an overview. After all, all ...

  8. IDESSAI 2024 – Fourth Inria-DFKI European Summer School on AI

    IDESSAI 2024 – Fourth Inria-DFKI European Summer School on AI

    Large AI Models and Robotics and AI / September 9th - 13th, 2024 / Saarbrücken, Germany


    ++++ Registration deadline: August 23th, 2024 ++++

  9. Prof. Carsten Binnig receives LOEWE-Spitzen-Professur

    Prof. Carsten Binnig receives LOEWE-Spitzen-Professur

    The state of Hessen has awarded Prof. Dr Carsten Binnig, head of the research area Systemic AI for Decision Support at the DFKI laboratory in ...

  10. Synergizing sub-symbolic and symbolic AI: DFKI unveils pioneering approach to safe and verifiable humanoid walking

    Synergizing sub-symbolic and symbolic AI: DFKI unveils pioneering approach to safe and verifiable humanoid walking

    Recent advances in robotics based on data-driven AI hold promise for a wide range of practical applications. However, ensuring the safety of these ...
