Unter dem Motto: „Computer mit Augen, Ohren und Verstand?! – Künstliche Intelligenz für den Menschen“ beteiligt sich das DFKI am bundesweiten ...
The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI) is addressing key challenges in agriculture and food production with several …
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences not only awards actors and filmmakers with the distinction known as the "Oscar." Oscars are also ...
- SmartFactoryKL developing Shared Production
- Production Level 4 demonstrator – first production unit connected to GAIA-X
A European network, which aims to develop human-centered AI with ethical values, has been launched under the leadership of DFKI.
Since 2015, the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM e.V.) has granted the DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award. The Dissertation Award honors …
Können Sie auf Anhieb eine Nähmaschine bedienen? Auch eine, die über 100 Jahre alt ist? Wahrscheinlich hat jeder schon mal vor einem Gerät …
Prague. Virtual and augmented reality for remote industrial production control or a system for its rapid adaptation according to the customer's ...
Industry as well as academia have made great advances working towards an overall vision of fully autonomous driving. Despite the success stories, ...