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News Overview

Displaying results 51 to 60 of 210.
  1. Data Products as Economic Assets - Conclusion of the "EVAREST" Research Project

    Data Products as Economic Assets - Conclusion of the "EVAREST" Research Project

    Presentation of the project results on April 29, 2022, at Forum Digitale Technologien Berlin.

  2. DFKI ist Partner bei Gesundheitsdatengipfel22

    DFKI ist Partner bei Gesundheitsdatengipfel22

    Vortrag von DFKI-Doktorandin Mareike Stender auf dem Haupstadtkongress-Lab am 01.04. in Berlin.

  3. How artificial intelligence can help in the fight against doping

    How artificial intelligence can help in the fight against doping

    Artificial intelligence may help to make sporting competitions cleaner and fairer in the future. Professor of Business Informatics Wolfgang Maaß …

  4. Gaia-X 4 ROMS project started: efficient parcel delivery in cities with the help of AI

    Gaia-X 4 ROMS project started: efficient parcel delivery in cities with the help of AI

    More people are living in cities and ordering online. In the future, more goods will be moved on the roads, which will increase traffic and ...

  5. Summer School is focused on better use of data in nonprofit and government organizations

    Summer School is focused on better use of data in nonprofit and government organizations

    Data is generally considered the gold of the 21st century. Companies use it, for example, to analyze customer behavior and provide customer ...

  6. Autonomous underwater maintenance: project consortium presents powerful IT infrastructure for ground-breaking dual-arm AUV

    Autonomous underwater maintenance: project consortium presents powerful IT infrastructure for ground-breaking dual-arm AUV

    Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), operated and controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) methods, inspect, maintain, and repair offshore ...

  7. Data for the food industry of tomorrow

    Data for the food industry of tomorrow

    New standard sets out requirements for developing a business model for a data ecosystem in the food industry.

  8. Maschinen reparieren aus der Ferne: Forschende realisieren virtuellen Aftermarket im Projekt RePARE

    Maschinen reparieren aus der Ferne: Forschende realisieren virtuellen Aftermarket im Projekt RePARE

    Wenn in einer Fabrik ein Maschinenteil defekt ist, zählt jede Minute. Eine Stunde Ausfall in der Produktion kann für ein Unternehmen schnell Kosten …

  9. Data Science and its Applications - DFKI Founds New Research Area for Data Science

    Data Science and its Applications - DFKI Founds New Research Area for Data Science

    With "Data Science and its Applications", the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is establishing a new research department …

  10. Pandemie-Cockpit für Kommunen – Einladung zur öffentlichen Online-Präsentation des AScore Projekts

    Pandemie-Cockpit für Kommunen – Einladung zur öffentlichen Online-Präsentation des AScore Projekts

    Pandemie-Simulationen für Kommunen, auf wissenschaftlicher Basis: Im Forschungsprojekt AScore ist ein Pandemie-Cockpit entstanden, welches ...