Languages are a key part of our European identity and culture. Linguistic diversity is supported and celebrated as part of the EU’s motto “United in Diversity”.…
The scientist from DFKI research department Agents and Simulated Reality receives the award for her master's thesis in the "Artificial Intelligence" category.…
The Hague. The European Commission has taken a major step towards strengthening AI research in Europe by allocating 50 million Euros of seed funding, intended…
The Hague. Yesterday, the European Commission unveiled its ambitious plan for "A Europe fit for the digital age," consisting of a strategy for data and a white…
“AI for the benefit of humankind” was the theme of this year's Global Forum on AI for Humanity (GFAIH), which took place in Paris in October as part of the…
The final shortlist also includes two young researchers from the DFKI. They are among the six finalists of their discipline. Within the framework of the Year of…
What will manufacturing look like in the future? Until now the concepts of automation have placed machines at the forefront, with no role to play for people.…
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster, Chief Executive Advisor and, until the beginning of 2019, CEO of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI),…
Am 26. September wurde Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (DFKI Saarbrücken und Berlin) mit der CIIRC-Ehrenmedaille des Tschechischen Instituts für…