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Project | RICAIP

Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production

Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production

The Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production (RICAIP) unlocks the research and innovation capacity of CIIRC CTU and CEITEC BUT, by establishing a strong partnership with prominent German research organizations: DFKI and ZeMA, who jointly contribute to RICAIP by making their core facilities available and enable RICAIP to operate in a distributed way. RICAIP will be established at CIIRC CTU as an international centre operating fully in English. RICAIP will significantly contribute to upgrading the Institute from the national Centre of Excellence (CoE) in areas of informatics, robotics, and cybernetics to the European CoE of artificial intelligence and industrial robotics for advanced industry. For this purpose, RICAIP will build and develop the very first distributed testbed for advanced industrial production (RICAIP Industrial Testbed Core), that serves both academia and companies. The RICAIP Industrial Testbed Core will be established by integration of three local core facilities – the Prague testbed at CIIRC CTU, the Brno testbed at CEITEC BUT (both significantly upgraded by RICAIP), and the existing Saarbrücken Testbed – the joint facility of DFKI and ZeMA.


  • Vysoke Uceni Techicke V Brne (Vysoke Uceni Techicke V Brne)
  • Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik gemeinnützige GmbH (ZeMA)


All publications
  1. WALL-ET: Assistance in Supermarkets and Warehouses through Social Cognitive Robots

    Sönke Knoch; Marco Hüster; Matthias Jost; Jonas Mohr; Dieter Merkel; Andreas Luxenburger; Tim Schwartz; Jeong-Jung Kim; Doo-Yeol Koh; Jinseong Park

    In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR). IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR-2022), December 12-14, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, Pages 219-220, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 12/2022.

Funding Authorities

EU - European Union


EU - European Union