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Project | RZZKI_SL-RLP-2

Regionales Zukunftszentren Künstliche Intelligenz Saarland und Rheinland-Pfalz (Folgeprogramm)

Regionales Zukunftszentren Künstliche Intelligenz Saarland und Rheinland-Pfalz (Folgeprogramm)


Future centers (KI); support of small and medium-sized enterprises and employees in the exemplary and participatory testing of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, for operational practice; focus of action;Regional Future Center.

The RZzKI project is an association of 6 companies from Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate. It is funded as part of the ESF Plus program "Future Centers" by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digital Affairs and Energy in Saarland and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Labor, Transformation and Digitalization in Rhineland-Palatinate. With the Knappschaft Bahn-See, the RZzKI gains a new project sponsor who will accompany us for the next 4 years.  Our goal is to help medium-sized companies on their way to digitalization and the use of AI.

On 01.01.23 a new funding phase has started and we are allowed to continue our work around digitalization and the use of AI in SMEs for another 4 years.

On 24.03.23, the consortium met to look back at the past 2 years and look forward to the next 4. DFKI remains the consortium leader of the project in this funding phase. With our partners BEST, ITA and TBS, we remain true to our motto "AI for people". The involvement and further training of employees with the help of results based on occupational science are on an equal footing with our view of the technical aspects of production, logistics and artificial intelligence. Together with our partners FESTO and ZeMA, we are successfully coordinating these technical aspects with the social and labor law aspects.


Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierung gGmbH (ZeMA) Technologieberatungsstelle gGmbH (TBS) Beratungsstelle für sozialverträgliche Technologiegestaltung (BEST) e.V. Insitut für Technologie und Arbeit e.V. (ITA) Festo Lernzentrum Saar GmbH


Funding Authorities

Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales und Europäische Union im Rahmen des ESF Plus-Programms

Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales und Europäische Union im Rahmen des ESF Plus-Programms