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Displaying results 61 to 70 of 92.
  1. AIRPoRT – Artificial Intelligence für Robotik und vernetzte ProdukTion

    AIRPoRT – Artificial Intelligence für Robotik und vernetzte ProdukTion

    Innovative information and communication technologies are key drivers in the development of today's production environments: At the communication …

  2. COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    This project aims to develop the next generation of the digital twin, which is self-learning and proactive. This means firstly, it learns from …

  3. PLASS – Platform for Analytical Supply Chain Management Services

    PLASS – Platform for Analytical Supply Chain Management Services

    The goal of the PLASS project is the development of a prototypical B2B platform for AI-based decision support for supply chain management. The focus …

  4. FiN 2.0 – Fühler im Netz 2.0

    FiN 2.0 – Fühler im Netz 2.0

    „Fühler im Netz 2.0“ baut auf den Ergebnissen des Projektes „Fühler im Netz“ (FiN) (Projektzeitraum 2014 bis 2017) auf und legt den Fokus darauf, …

  5. ExDRa – Exploratory Data Science over Raw Data

    ExDRa – Exploratory Data Science over Raw Data

    The idea of the ExDRa project is to investigate suitable system support for the exploratory data science process on heterogeneous and distributed raw …

  6. KI-Mobil – AI for Mobility, Logistic and Energy

    KI-Mobil – AI for Mobility, Logistic and Energy

    The goal of KI-mobil is the realization of an AI-supported software platform for disruptive, resource-saving and high-performance mobility concepts, …

  7. SUSKULT – Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Kultivierungssystems für Nahrungsmittel resilienter Metropolregionen

    SUSKULT – Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Kultivierungssystems für Nahrungsmittel resilienter Metropolregionen

    Weshalb? Aus der Vielzahl an Auswirkungen der modernen Nahrungsmittelproduktion auf das System Erde sticht die Veränderung von P- und N-kreisläufen …

  8. ABILITY – Ganzheitliche Befähigung zur hybriden Wertschöpfung

    ABILITY – Ganzheitliche Befähigung zur hybriden Wertschöpfung

    Die Verbindung von Sachgütern und Dienstleistungen zu hybriden Leistungsbündeln führt zu neu gebündelten Formen der Wertschöpfung: Das Produkt wird …

  9. EVAREST – Development and utilization of data products in the food industry via smart services

    EVAREST – Development and utilization of data products in the food industry via smart services

    The objective of EVAREST is the development and utilization of data products as economic goods in the ecosystem of food production based on an open, …

  10. SHARC – EnEff:Bremerhaven - Smart Concepts for Sustainable Energy in Ports

    SHARC – EnEff:Bremerhaven - Smart Concepts for Sustainable Energy in Ports

    Seven partners from research and industry have come together in SHARC to develop innovative concepts for sustainable energy management in port areas. …