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Displaying results 21 to 30 of 55.
  1. SeMoSys – Virtual integration of hull segments and installation of systems

    SeMoSys – Virtual integration of hull segments and installation of systems

    Das Verbundprojekt SeMoSys - Sektionsmontage und Systeme hat die Zielsetzung, die Fertigung von Strukturen und die Installation von Systemen in der …

  2. Saimidris – Sailing Intelligent Micro Drifter Swarms

    Saimidris – Sailing Intelligent Micro Drifter Swarms

    Partners Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

  3. NorthSat-X – The North Sea from space: Using explainable artificial intelligence to improve satellite observations of climate change
  4. SensoBike – Modell zur Erkennung von Fehlstellungen des Knies

    SensoBike – Modell zur Erkennung von Fehlstellungen des Knies

    Niederschwellig in den Alltag integriertes Trainings- und Mobilitätssystem zur orthopädischen Prävention am Beispiel von Kniearthrosen. Basis ist ein …

  5. MILKI-PSY – Multimodal immersive learning with artificial intelligence for psychomotor skills

    MILKI-PSY – Multimodal immersive learning with artificial intelligence for psychomotor skills

    Development of psychomotor skills (e.g. in medicine, sports) requires practical exercise, direct feedback and reflection. In order to achieve the …

  6. DOF-Adaptiv – Adaptive Mapping of Degrees of Freedom as User Interface for an Assistive Robot

    DOF-Adaptiv – Adaptive Mapping of Degrees of Freedom as User Interface for an Assistive Robot

    An assistive robot arm is a valuable support for people with severely reduced mobility of arm and hand, but exhausting and time-consuming to use, …

  7. Agri-Gaia – ein agrarwirtschaftliches KI-Ökosystem

    Agri-Gaia – ein agrarwirtschaftliches KI-Ökosystem

    The Agri-Gaia project is creating an AI ecosystem for the agricultural and food industry based on Gaia-X. For this purpose, an innovative B2B platform …

  8. NaLamKI – Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft mittels KI

    NaLamKI – Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft mittels KI

    In the overall project Sustainable Agriculture with KI (NaLamKI), a cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) platform is being created with open …

  9. INSYS – INTerpretable monitoring SYStems

    INSYS – INTerpretable monitoring SYStems

    The INSYS project is concerned with the interpretability of learned models and the resulting possibilities for self-monitoring of complex robotic …

  10. STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR is a joint effort of AI and digital manufacturing experts towards enabling the deployment of standard-based secure, safe and reliable …