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Displaying results 21 to 30 of 58.
  1. myRPA – Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

    myRPA – Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enables further automation of processes across existing systems. As RPA can act like humans and thus is able to read, …

  2. MODKOM – Modular components as Building Blocks for application-specific configurable space robots

    MODKOM – Modular components as Building Blocks for application-specific configurable space robots

    For service operations on satellites or the exploration of foreign planets, robotic systems will be of particular interest in the future, as they are …

  3. ML4SCA – Machine Learning for Satellite Collision Avoidance

    ML4SCA – Machine Learning for Satellite Collision Avoidance

    With an increasing number of satellites and debris objects in earth orbit it becomes increasingly important to automate and improve procedures for …

  4. SeMoSys – Virtual integration of hull segments and installation of systems

    SeMoSys – Virtual integration of hull segments and installation of systems

    Das Verbundprojekt SeMoSys - Sektionsmontage und Systeme hat die Zielsetzung, die Fertigung von Strukturen und die Installation von Systemen in der …

  5. SPELL – Semantische Plattform zur intelligenten Entscheidungs- und Einsatzunterstützung in Leitstellen und Lagezentren

    SPELL – Semantische Plattform zur intelligenten Entscheidungs- und Einsatzunterstützung in Leitstellen und Lagezentren

    Artificial intelligence in the interconnected control center of the future The SPELL project represents the idea of a semantic platform for …

  6. 3S Project – Steroid Sample Swapping

    3S Project – Steroid Sample Swapping

    Anti-doping analysis is a crucial measure to fight against cheating and doping activities in sports. The Athlete Biological Passport is widely …

  7. resKIL – Resource-efficient AI for Embedded Systems in Agricultural Machines

    resKIL – Resource-efficient AI for Embedded Systems in Agricultural Machines

    The application of AI methods appears to be useful in agriculture because the environment is highly dynamic, not fully known and not fully …

  8. STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR is a joint effort of AI and digital manufacturing experts towards enabling the deployment of standard-based secure, safe and reliable …

  9. Carousel+ – Embodied Online Dancing with Digital Characters

    Carousel+ – Embodied Online Dancing with Digital Characters

    The aim of the project is to create new technical and scientific foundations for social and physical AI of the real world, especially for improved …

  10. INSYS – INTerpretable monitoring SYStems

    INSYS – INTerpretable monitoring SYStems

    The INSYS project is concerned with the interpretability of learned models and the resulting possibilities for self-monitoring of complex robotic …