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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 17.
  1. DuITeasy – Lifelong assistance platform based on an open federated data and services ecosystem and smart metering systems

    DuITeasy – Lifelong assistance platform based on an open federated data and services ecosystem and smart metering systems

    The European population is aging. New strategies, systems, and technologies are needed that use already existing data collection systems in the living …

  2. FAIRe_RIC – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe_RIC – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe aims to develop resource-limited AI for embedded systems, cyber-physical systems, and edge devices. The development approach should extend …

  3. FAIRe – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially in embedded, cyber-physical devices with …

  4. BERTHA – BEhavioural Replication of Human drivers for CCAM

    BERTHA – BEhavioural Replication of Human drivers for CCAM

    The Horizon Europe project BERTHA kicked off on November 22nd-24th in Valencia, Spain. The project has been granted €7,981,799.50 from the European …

  5. ForeSightNEXT – Platform for data, artificial intelligence and services in the smart living ecosystem

    ForeSightNEXT – Platform for data, artificial intelligence and services in the smart living ecosystem

    ForeSightNEXT is the lead project of the "SmartLivingNEXT" technology program funded by the BMWK and is developing the technological and economic …

  6. MOMENTUM – Robust Learning with Hybrid AI for Trustworthy Interaction of Humans and Machines in Complex Environments

    MOMENTUM – Robust Learning with Hybrid AI for Trustworthy Interaction of Humans and Machines in Complex Environments

    MOMENTUM is a research project dedicated to TRUSTED-AI, which aims to advance the development and application of artificial intelligence by …

  7. PHARMOPRO-KI – Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Propofol Using Artificial Intelligence

    PHARMOPRO-KI – Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Propofol Using Artificial Intelligence

    PHARMOPRO-KI is a collaborative project between DFKI and the Department of Anaesthesiology at Saarland University Hospital, commissioned by the …

  8. ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE is a project within the framework of the strategic research and innovation agenda of DFKI and Inria in the field of artificial intelligence. …

  9. Carousel+ – Embodied Online Dancing with Digital Characters

    Carousel+ – Embodied Online Dancing with Digital Characters

    The aim of the project is to create new technical and scientific foundations for social and physical AI of the real world, especially for improved …

  10. CLAIRE Saarland II – The CLAIRE Saarland Project

    CLAIRE Saarland II – The CLAIRE Saarland Project

    In June 2018, the CLAIRE initiative was launched with the aim of joining forces in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Europe with a focus on …