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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 47.
  1. SustainML_EI – Application Aware, Life-Cycle Oriented Model-Hardware Co-Design Framework for Sustainable, Energy Efficient ML Systems

    SustainML_EI – Application Aware, Life-Cycle Oriented Model-Hardware Co-Design Framework for Sustainable, Energy Efficient ML Systems

    This project is based on the insight that in order to significantly reduce the CO2 footprint of ML applications power-aware applications must be as …

  2. ZLW – Zukunftslabor Wassermanagement

    ZLW – Zukunftslabor Wassermanagement

    Partners Beteiligte wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen: − Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (UOL) − Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) − …

  3. DZW – Digital twin in water resource management

    DZW – Digital twin in water resource management

    Being able to guarantee unrestricted access to fresh drinking water is generally taken for granted. However, the appearance of clean water is …

  4. HumanTech – Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry

    HumanTech – Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry

    The European construction industry faces three major challenges: improve its productivity, increase the safety and wellbeing of its workforce and make …

  5. APLASTIC-Q-Canada – Machine Learning identification of pollutants and other debris in Canadian Waterways

    APLASTIC-Q-Canada – Machine Learning identification of pollutants and other debris in Canadian Waterways

    The project deals with the further development of AI methods for the detection and analysis of litter in rivers and canals. Stationary camera systems …

  6. idFlexNetz – Creation of an ICT ecosystem for forecasting and operating models for the grid-serving operation of controllable consumers and generators

    idFlexNetz – Creation of an ICT ecosystem for forecasting and operating models for the grid-serving operation of controllable consumers and generators

    The joint project "idFlexNetz" aims to create an ICT ecosystem that enables initially heterogeneous models and algorithms to be traded as digital …

  7. PlasticObs_plus – Verbund - KI: PlasticObs_plus - Maschinelles Lernen auf Multisensordaten der flugzeuggestützten Fernerkundung zur Bekämpfung von Plastikmüll in Meeren und Flüssen

    PlasticObs_plus – Verbund - KI: PlasticObs_plus - Maschinelles Lernen auf Multisensordaten der flugzeuggestützten Fernerkundung zur Bekämpfung von Plastikmüll in Meeren und Flüssen

    Airborne monitoring for plastic litter detection represents a modern, universal observation method to address the urgent and rapidly increasing …

  8. FloReST – Urban FloodResilience - Smart Tools

    FloReST – Urban FloodResilience - Smart Tools

    Partners Das Projektkonsortium besteht aus der Hochschule Koblenz (Konsortialführer), der Universität Trier, der Hochschule Trier mit dem …

  9. APLASTICQ-IDN – Plastics monitoring, identification and capacity building in Indonesia

    APLASTICQ-IDN – Plastics monitoring, identification and capacity building in Indonesia

    Recent research shows that Indonesian rivers are among the most polluted in the world. In response, the Indonesian government has launched the …

  10. APLASTIC-Q-Obermaubach – APLASTIC-Q-Data-analysis-for-waste-in-Obermaubach

    APLASTIC-Q-Obermaubach – APLASTIC-Q-Data-analysis-for-waste-in-Obermaubach

    Several European countries were affected by the destructive floods that occurred in Central Europe in July 2021. The floods damaged infrastructure in …