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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 87.
  1. KIMonoS – KI-gestützte Mobility-On-Demand-Plattform im Saarland

    KIMonoS – KI-gestützte Mobility-On-Demand-Plattform im Saarland

    Das Ziel des Projektes KIMonoS ist es, eine Mobility-on-Demand-Plattformlösung auf Basis Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) zu entwickeln und prototypisch …

  2. ROMATRIS / ROMATRIS – Robotic Material Transport in Damage Situations

    ROMATRIS / ROMATRIS – Robotic Material Transport in Damage Situations

    The aim of the project is to design and develop a partially automated, mobile assistance robot to support material transport through impassable …

  3. DECODE – Continual learning for visual and multi-modal encoding of human surrounding and behavior

    DECODE – Continual learning for visual and multi-modal encoding of human surrounding and behavior

    Machine Learning, and in particular Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Deep Learning, has revolutionized Computer Vision in almost all areas. These …

  4. Open6GHub – 6G for Society and Sustainability

    Open6GHub – 6G for Society and Sustainability

    The project "Open6GHub" develops a 6G vision for sovereign citizens in a hyper-connected world from 2030. The aim of the Open6GHub is to provide …

  5. 5G-KL – 5G Kaiserslautern - Secure Communication and Localization for Automated Guided Vehicles in Flexible Production Environments

    5G-KL – 5G Kaiserslautern - Secure Communication and Localization for Automated Guided Vehicles in Flexible Production Environments

    The project is based on a 5G OpenRAN indoor network that will be installed in the joint demo room of the Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Factory …

  6. ChargePal – Robot-assisted charging and power management in private and public parking spaces

    ChargePal – Robot-assisted charging and power management in private and public parking spaces

    The ChargePal project aims at the research and practical testing of self-sufficient mobile DC charging robots with integrated high-performance …

  7. KAI – AI-supported assistant for interior development

    KAI – AI-supported assistant for interior development

    Within the framework of the research project "AI-supported assistant for interior development" (KAI), a development tool is to be created that uses AI …

  8. AI-NET-ANTILLAS – Accellerating digital transformation in europe by Intelligent NETwork automation - Automated Network Telecom Infrastructure with inteLLigent Autonomous Systems

    AI-NET-ANTILLAS – Accellerating digital transformation in europe by Intelligent NETwork automation - Automated Network Telecom Infrastructure with inteLLigent Autonomous Systems

    The AI-NET sub-project AI-NET-ANTILLAS focusses on the development of infrastructure elements for automated telecommunication networks to make them …

  9. QAI2 / QAICO – Quantum Artificial Intelligence for Coordination and Cooperation

    QAI2 / QAICO – Quantum Artificial Intelligence for Coordination and Cooperation

    In the sub-project QAICO (Quantum AI for Coordination and Cooperation) of the joint project QAI2 (Quantum AI for Automotive Industry), DFKI is …

  10. SensoBike – Modell zur Erkennung von Fehlstellungen des Knies

    SensoBike – Modell zur Erkennung von Fehlstellungen des Knies

    Niederschwellig in den Alltag integriertes Trainings- und Mobilitätssystem zur orthopädischen Prävention am Beispiel von Kniearthrosen. Basis ist ein …