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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 10.
  1. NoIDLEChatGPT – No-IDLE meets ChatGPT

    NoIDLEChatGPT – No-IDLE meets ChatGPT

    Das Projekt "No-IDLE meets ChatGPT" zielt darauf ab, die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion bei der Aktualisierung von Deep-Learning-Modellen (DL) zu …

  2. No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    In recent years, machines have surpassed humans in the performance of specific and narrow tasks such as some aspects of image recognition or decision …

  3. MASTER – MASTER: Mixed reality ecosystem for teaching robotics in manufacturing

    MASTER – MASTER: Mixed reality ecosystem for teaching robotics in manufacturing

    Many industries are transitioning to Industry 4.0 production models by adopting robots in their processes. In parallel, Extended Reality (XR) …

  4. Ophthalmo-AI – Intelligent, Cooperative Medical Decision Support in Ophthalmology

    Ophthalmo-AI – Intelligent, Cooperative Medical Decision Support in Ophthalmology

    The goal of Ophthalmo-AI is to develop better diagnostic and therapeutic decision support in ophthalmology through effective collaboration of machine …

  5. pAItient – Protected Artificial Intelligence Innovation Environment for Patient Oriented Digital Health Solutions for developing, testing and evidence based evaluation of clinical value.

    pAItient – Protected Artificial Intelligence Innovation Environment for Patient Oriented Digital Health Solutions for developing, testing and evidence based evaluation of clinical value.

    Developments in recent years, such as low-cost hardware for enormous computing power and machine learning techniques, have given AI new impetus in …

  6. KI-Para-Mi – KI-getriebener Paradigmenwechsel durch Mitarbeiter-zentrische Schicht- und Dienstplanung zur Verringerung des Pflegenotstands

    KI-Para-Mi – KI-getriebener Paradigmenwechsel durch Mitarbeiter-zentrische Schicht- und Dienstplanung zur Verringerung des Pflegenotstands

    The goal of the KI-Para-Mi project is to develop an intelligent personnel planning system for flexible shift scheduling in nursing, which above all …

  7. SciBot – Data Science Chatbot: A text-based interface, that learns from experts to support experts

    SciBot – Data Science Chatbot: A text-based interface, that learns from experts to support experts

    The goal of this project is the development of efficient methods for analyzing and for learning to analyse the user behavior during interactions with …

  8. SkinCare (EIT) – SkinCare

    SkinCare (EIT) – SkinCare

    The EIT digital project SkinCare is developing a mobile app for patients in the context of skin cancer diagnosis and treatment. The combination of …

  9. Intera-KT – Interaktives kognitives Assessment- Tool

    Intera-KT – Interaktives kognitives Assessment- Tool

    The aim of the project Interakt (Interactive Cognitive Assessment Tool) is to improve the diagnostic process of dementia and other forms of cognitive …

  10. KDI – Klinische Datenintelligenz

    KDI – Klinische Datenintelligenz

    Clinical Data Intelligence develops intelligent smart data solutions based on big data analysis in the medical application context. A special focus is …