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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 76.
  1. PYSA – Care documentation with a hybrid speech assistant

    PYSA – Care documentation with a hybrid speech assistant

    Comprehensive and accurate documentation is essential for needs-based care. In many places, the systems and processes used today for care …

  2. ZuSiNa – Better Access and Visibility of Sustainability Information in Online Retail using Artificial Intelligence

    ZuSiNa – Better Access and Visibility of Sustainability Information in Online Retail using Artificial Intelligence

    The importance of online retail has been growing for years and has received another boost from the Corona pandemic. At the same time, awareness of …

  3. AI4DTE – Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enhanced Earth Observation (EO) for on Digital Twin Earth (DTE)

    AI4DTE – Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enhanced Earth Observation (EO) for on Digital Twin Earth (DTE)

    A digital twin of the earth will allow science and policy users alike to gain insights of our earth system and will help with decision support. We …

  4. MarKIeR – Feasibility Study on the Use of AI Tools to Support the State Media Authorities in Verifying the Implementation of the Transparency Requirements of the Medienstaatsvertrag by Media Intermediaries.

    MarKIeR – Feasibility Study on the Use of AI Tools to Support the State Media Authorities in Verifying the Implementation of the Transparency Requirements of the Medienstaatsvertrag by Media Intermediaries.

    New regulations in the Medienstaatsvertrag (MStV) present the state media authorities with new, diverse tasks in the area of media intermediaries: …

  5. Emonymous – Emonymous

    Emonymous – Emonymous

    Interactive intelligent speech technologies are conquering our homes. In the Emonymous project, we are pursuing the goal of completely anonymizing a …

  6. MITHOS – Mixed-Reality Interactive Training for Handling Heterogeneity and Conflict Situations in Schools

    MITHOS – Mixed-Reality Interactive Training for Handling Heterogeneity and Conflict Situations in Schools

    BMBF-Research programme in the frame of the research focus on „ Interactive systems in virtual and real spaces – Innovative technologies for a digital …

  7. KIForPol – TransferLab KI-Forschung für die Polizei

    KIForPol – TransferLab KI-Forschung für die Polizei

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) operates the TransferLab "AI Research for the Police" (KIForPol) at its Kaiserslautern …

  8. KEEPHA – Knowledge-Enhanced information Extraction across languages for PHArmacovigilance

    KEEPHA – Knowledge-Enhanced information Extraction across languages for PHArmacovigilance

    KEEPHA is a trilateral DFG Project, together with partners from France (LIMSI/LISN) and Japan (NAIST, NII, RIKEN). The present project aims to design …

  9. PANQURA – KI-Technologien für die personalisierte Kuratierung von Online-Beiträgen zur Gewährleistung von Informationstransparenz in Krise

    PANQURA – KI-Technologien für die personalisierte Kuratierung von Online-Beiträgen zur Gewährleistung von Informationstransparenz in Krise

    The project PANQURA develops a platform that enables information transparency for end-users in times of crisis such as, e.g., a global pandemic.

  10. ELE – European Language Equality

    ELE – European Language Equality

    Twenty-four official languages and more than 60 regional and minority languages constitute the fabric of the EU’s linguistic landscape. However, …