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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 128.
  1. HumAIne – Hybrid Human-AI Decision Support for Enhanced Human Empowerment in Dynamic Situations

    HumAIne – Hybrid Human-AI Decision Support for Enhanced Human Empowerment in Dynamic Situations

    At HumAIne, we aim to pioneer the development and integration of innovative AI paradigms. Our goal is to make human-AI collaboration not only advanced …

  2. FedWell – Life-Long Federated User and Mental Modeling for Health and Well-being

    FedWell – Life-Long Federated User and Mental Modeling for Health and Well-being

    Adaptive and personalized AI systems in healthcare and well-being rely on information about users and usage situations to provide the best possible …

  3. ForeSightNEXT – Platform for data, artificial intelligence and services in the smart living ecosystem

    ForeSightNEXT – Platform for data, artificial intelligence and services in the smart living ecosystem

    ForeSightNEXT is the lead project of the "SmartLivingNEXT" technology program funded by the BMWK and is developing the technological and economic …

  4. APONA – Assistenzsystem zur Prozessoptimierung in der Notaufnahme

    APONA – Assistenzsystem zur Prozessoptimierung in der Notaufnahme

    Das APONA-Projekt stellt eine innovative Antwort auf das wachsende Problem der Überlastung in den Notaufnahmen deutscher Krankenhäuser dar. Angesichts …

  5. CurAEducate – Nachwuchsförderung & Weiterbildung

    CurAEducate – Nachwuchsförderung & Weiterbildung

    Um aus exzellenten Forschungsergebnissen in curATime innovative Behandlungs- und Präventionskonzepte zu entwickeln und in die klinische Anwendung zu …

  6. HealthyW8 – Empowering healthy lifestyle behaviour through personalised intervention portfolios to prevent and control obesity during vulnerable stages of life

    HealthyW8 – Empowering healthy lifestyle behaviour through personalised intervention portfolios to prevent and control obesity during vulnerable stages of life

    Over 30% of EU citizens at vulnerable stages and situations in life are at increased risk to transgress from healthy weight to overweight and further …

  7. Miracle2 – A Machine learning approach to Identify patients with Resected non-small-cell lung cAnCer with high risk of reLapsE

    Miracle2 – A Machine learning approach to Identify patients with Resected non-small-cell lung cAnCer with high risk of reLapsE

    MIRACLE comprises a consortium of academics and industry partners to understand how machine learning can be utilised to predict the risk of relapse …

  8. curAIknow – curATime knowledge graphs

    curAIknow – curATime knowledge graphs

    Application of the Ontosight bioscience knowledge graph to support prediction, validation and better interpretation of Al-generated hypotheses based …

  9. No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    In recent years, machines have surpassed humans in the performance of specific and narrow tasks such as some aspects of image recognition or decision …

  10. ToCaro – Experiencing together - sharing emotions

    ToCaro – Experiencing together - sharing emotions

    Social interaction is one of the essential factors that determine personal quality of life, which is also shown by the spread of social media. But the …