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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 168.
  1. DaTreFo – Datentreuhänder mit verschlüsselten Datenschätzen für die Forschung

    DaTreFo – Datentreuhänder mit verschlüsselten Datenschätzen für die Forschung

    Um KI-Technologien für die medizinische Forschung zu entwickeln, werden immense Datenmengen aus aktuellen und bereits abgeschlossenen Krankheitsfällen …

  2. AIQUAMA – AI-based Quality Management for Smart Factories

    AIQUAMA – AI-based Quality Management for Smart Factories

    Anomalies and defects in the production process cause high costs and have a negative impact on sustainability and productivity. If it is possible to …

  3. Adra-e – AI, Data and Robotics ecosystem

    Adra-e – AI, Data and Robotics ecosystem

    Adra-e - Supporting the AI, Data and Robotics Community in the Development of a Sustainable European Ecosystem Adra-e is a Coordination and Support …

  4. SEMSAI – Self-Referential Multi-Scale Modelling and Simulation of Severe Infectious Diseases

    SEMSAI – Self-Referential Multi-Scale Modelling and Simulation of Severe Infectious Diseases

    The Covid 19 pandemic has shown that model-based forecasts based on historical data often overestimate infection numbers, which weakens public …

  5. TL Cybermapping – TransferLab Cybermapping

    TL Cybermapping – TransferLab Cybermapping

    Cooperation between DFKI and Deutsche Bundesbank in a transfer lab on various topics in the financial sector, e.g. the detection of errors and …

  6. Ageing Smart – Ageing Smart - Räume intelligent gestalten

    Ageing Smart – Ageing Smart - Räume intelligent gestalten

    The interdisciplinary research project Ageing Smart - Designing Spaces Intelligently at the TU Kaiserslautern addresses the "baby boomer" generation …

  7. ZuSiNa – Better Access and Visibility of Sustainability Information in Online Retail using Artificial Intelligence

    ZuSiNa – Better Access and Visibility of Sustainability Information in Online Retail using Artificial Intelligence

    The importance of online retail has been growing for years and has received another boost from the Corona pandemic. At the same time, awareness of …

  8. R4Agri – Reasoning auf landwirtschaftlichen Daten - Integration von Metriken und qualitativen Perspektiven

    R4Agri – Reasoning auf landwirtschaftlichen Daten - Integration von Metriken und qualitativen Perspektiven

    "Entferne schädliches Unkraut auf dem Feld, aber setze keine chemischen Mittel in der Nähe eines Gewässers ein!" Bei der Durchführung …

  9. COOPERANTS – COllabOrative Processes and sERvices for AeroNauTics and Space

    COOPERANTS – COllabOrative Processes and sERvices for AeroNauTics and Space

    The flagship project "Collaborative Processes and Services for Aeronautics and Space" (COOPERANTS) is a project funded by the Federal Ministry for …

  10. INTE:GRATE – Intelligent Green Mobility in Saarland

    INTE:GRATE – Intelligent Green Mobility in Saarland

    In rural areas, mobility is often highly individualized (e.g., private cars), leading to a range of challenges, including increased traffic density, …