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Cyber-Physical Systems


Page 14 of 16.

  1. Iliyan Georgiev; Philipp Slusallek

    Simple and Robust Iterative Importance Sampling of Virtual Point Lights

    In: Proceedings of Eurographics 2010. Eurographics (EG-10), May 3-7, Norrköping, Sweden, Eurographics, 5/2010.

  2. Philipp Slusallek; A. Hildebrandt; H.-P. Lenhof; Lukas Marsalek; S. Nickels; A. K. Dehof; Iliyan Georgiev; M. Phillips

    Measuring Properties of Molecular Surfaces Using Ray Casting

    In: Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology. International Workshop on High Performance Computational …

  3. Michael Repplinger; Alexander Löffler; Benjamin Schug; Philipp Slusallek

    SORA: a Service-Oriented Rendering Architecture

    In: Proceedings of Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems. Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime …

  4. Stefan Nesbigall; Stefan Warwas; Patrick Kapahnke; René Schubotz; Matthias Klusch; Klaus Fischer; Philipp Slusallek

    Intelligent Agents for Semantic Simulated Realities - The ISReal Platform

    In: Joaquim Filipe; Ana L.N. Fred; Bernadette Sharp (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. …

  5. Stefan Nesbigall; Stefan Warwas; Patrick Kapahnke; René Schubotz; Matthias Klusch; Klaus Fischer; Philipp Slusallek

    ISReal: A Platform for Intelligent Simulated Realities

    In: Best papers of Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2010. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2010), January 22 - …

  6. Kristian Sons; Felix Klein; Dmitri Rubinstein; Sergiy Byelozyorov; Philipp Slusallek

    XML3D: Interactive 3D graphics for the Web

    In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web 3D Technology. ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D), Los Angeles, CA, …

  7. Lukas Marsalek; Anna Katharina Dehof; Iliyan Georgiev; Daniel Stöckel; Stefan Nickels; Hans-Peter Lenhof; Philipp Slusallek; Andreas Hildebrandt

    Real-Time Ray Tracing and Volume Rendering in Molecular Visualization

    In: Poster, EMBO Workshop on Visualizing Biological Data (VizBi). Visualizing Biological Data (VizBi-10), March 3-5, Heidelberg, Germany, IEEE, 2010.

  8. Michael Repplinger; Martin Beyer; Philipp Slusallek

    Multimedia Processing on Many-Core Technologies Using Distributed Multimedia Middleware

    In: Proceedings of the 13th IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA '09). International Conference …

  9. Hilko Hoffmann; Dmitri Rubinstein; Alexander Löffler; Philipp Slusallek

    Integration von Real-Time-Raytracing in interaktive Virtual-Reality-Systeme

    In: Digitales Engineering zum Planen, Testen und Betreiben Technischer Systeme (12. Fraunhofer IFF Wissenschaftstage). Fraunhofer-Institut für …

  10. Josef Pelikan; Martin Horak; Lukas Marsalek; Jan Horacek; Philipp Slusallek

    Segmentation of Femoral Head from CT after Femoral Neck Fracture

    In: IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications 2009, MVA 2009. IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA-09), May 20-22, Yokohama, …


Assistant to the management:
Kristiane Schmitt, M.A.
Phone: +49 421 218 59840

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Cyber-Physical Systems

Bibliothekstraße 5
28359 Bremen

Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5
28359 Bremen