Based on application-oriented research, DFKI develops product functions, prototypes and solutions in the field of information and communication technology.
In addition to publicly funded projects, we also carry out contract research and development for industrial customers.
DFKI's research department Speech and Language Technology has successfully completed a large number of industrial projects over the years. The topics are diverse, as shown in the following examples.
In cooperation with the German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media (bitkom e.V.) we offer the certificate course “AI Manager”.
Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and autonomous systems will significantly influence the development of companies in the coming years. What does this mean for individual companies? Can AI be used to support the future value creation of a company? Which AI concepts, which fundamentals, methods and concrete applications are hidden behind these frequently overused buzzwords? What basics do you need to know, which research institutes and companies in the field of AI can you work with and where can you already find examples of good practice? Answers to these questions are provided by the unique certificate course “Training for AI Manager“ in Berlin – the first training in the field of artificial intelligence with a certificate.
Debatoo is a DFKI start-up with partners in Berlin, Potsdam and Cologne. With the help of artificial intelligence, targeted and structured online discussions are made possible. Debatoo's mission is to sustainably improve the culture of argumentation online. The DFKI has developed an assistance system for Debatoo that helps identify hate speech and anti-Semitic speech patterns using neural classification and information extraction methods.
Deutsche Telekom AG is Europe's largest telecommunications company.
Deutsche Telekom plans to establish an internal reskilling programme to teach skills in artificial intelligence and data science. In a 12-month programme, employees of Deutsche Telekom AG will be trained in the specified competencies. In addition, they will learn to apply these competencies in internal projects of Deutsche Telekom AG. DFKI is supporting the planning and initial implementation phase of the programme.
Leonovo is an international IT company.
DFKI is developing a chatbot system for Lenovo that is already being used worldwide within the project duration. Special attention is paid to technologies for information extraction for new domains with limited training data, explainability, rapid incorporation of new knowledge and new customer-oriented services.
Lenovo's current "human in the loop" approach is optimised through innovative data-driven processes. Technologies for crowd-supported summarisation, knowledge extraction from various sources and the necessary machine learning algorithms and models have been and are being developed.
Furthermore, DFKI supports Lenovo in improving the process of data collection and annotation of their current range of automated helpdesk dialogue systems.
Dr. Sven Schmeier
Chief Engineer
Tel.: +49 30 23895 1815
Fax: +49 30 23895 1810
Prof. Dr. Georg Rehm
Principal Researcher
Tel.: +49 30 23895 1833
Fax: +49 30 23895 1810
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Speech and Language Technology Lab
Alt-Moabit 91c
10559 Berlin