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A Modeling Approach to Consider the Effects of Security Attacks on the Safety Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles - An AT-CARS Extension and Use Case

Timo Frederik Horeis; Tobias Kain; Rhea Rinaldo; Aaron Blickle
In: Bruno Castanier; Marko Cepin; David Bigaud; Christophe Berenguer (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 31th European Safety and Reliability Conference. European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL-2021), September 19-23, Angers, France, ESREL2021, Vol. 31, ISBN 978-981-18-2016-8, Research Publishing, Singapore, 2021.


Researchers and developers of autonomous vehicles are facing various challenges ranging from establishing public acceptance to meeting high reliability requirements. Due to the complexity of the autonomous system structure and its components, these challenges are often faced individually in specific areas, e.g., safety and security, or are addressed separately for each software and hardware component. The applied approaches are delivering single solutions that might not consider the interdependencies between the different areas. Some common interdependencies include, for instance, the safety failure of an element that provides security measures or the safety failure of the system due to a security attack of a safety-related component. Therefore, in this paper, we integrate these ideas based on our previous research into a safety analysis to consider the interdependencies between safety failures and security attacks. In particular, we implement security attack rates into our safety analysis tool, called AT-CARS, and develop failure management strategies to handle these security attacks. Furthermore, we introduce a new component to our modeling approach, the so-called hardware-security component, which provides security mechanisms for specific components. Besides, a developed show-case demonstrator visualizes the developed methods and tools.
