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Vonda: A framework for ontology-based dialogue management

Bernd Kiefer; Anna Welker; Christophe Bier
Increasing Naturalness and Flexibility in Spoken Dialogue Interaction: 10th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Pages 93-105, Vol. .. Springer, Singapore, 2021.


We present VOnDA, a framework to implement the dialogue management functionality in dialogue systems. Although domain-independent, VOnDA is tailored towards dialogue systems with a focus on social communication, which implies the need of a long-term memory and high user adaptivity. For these systems, which are used in health environments or elderly care, margin of error is very low and control over the dialogue process is of topmost importance. The same holds for commercial applications, where customer trust is at risk. VOnDA’s specification and memory layer relies upon an extended version of RDF/OWL, which provides a universal and uniform representation, and facilitates interoperability with external data sources, eg, from physical sensors.
