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Towards a Comprehensive Methodology for Modelling Submodels in the Industry 4.0 Asset Administration Shell

Cornelis Bouter; Monireh Pourjafarian; Leon Simar; Robert Wilterdink
In: 2021 IEEE 23rd Conference on Business Informatics (CBI). IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), Pages 10-19, Vol. 02, IEEE, 2021.


The Industry 4.0 Asset Administration Shell is designed as a digital communication interface that exposes information of various aspects of an asset in Submodels, which are functional blocks. However, a methodology that identifies the set of Submodels required for a specific use case is lacking. This work therefore presents two results: 1) the methodology we developed to identify the Submodels applicable in a use case and 2) an example application involving immaterial process assets. Our approach complements existing procedures by beginning with a functional description rather than an established standard and by creating a potentially interconnected set of Submodels rather than a singleton. The outcomes were verified by domain experts and through integration of the corresponding AASs.