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Influence between Motor Learning and Cognitive Workload in Microgravity.

Judith Bütefür; Elsa Andrea Kirchner
In: 4th International Technology Transfer Exhibition and Conference "New Space Economy (NSE)". International Technology Transfer Exhibition and Conference "New Space Economy (NSE)" (NSE-2022), November 30 - December 2, Rome, Italy, 11/2022.


It is necessary to prepare astronauts for the environment and microgravity in space, because they should complete the missions as successfully as possible. The technical tasks that have to be performed by the astronauts on the ISS mostly require fine motor skills. Fine motor control of the muscles for precise movements have to be adapted or relearned under microgravity. Previously electromyography (EMG) measurements have been shown that there is a reduced muscle activity when movements are performed under microgravity (both simulated and real) in comparison to Earth gravity [2,3]. Beside to the effects of motor learning on the EMG there are already results of effects on the electroencephalography (EEG). In a comparison of EEG data recorded during the performance of a simple motor task on the one hand and during a complex motor task on the other, it can be seen that θ- and α-waves occur more frequently during the complex motor task, while β-waves are seen during the performance of the simple motor task [4]. In support of this, another study found that α- and θ- waves increase with task complexity in motor tasks [5]. Cognitive workload can also be analysed on the basis of frequency bands measured with EEG. Previous studies were able to demonstrate increasing cortical activity during a parabolic flight, which is associated with increasing workload [6]. Furthermore, different states of increasing cognitive load can be shown in tasks with different levels of difficulty. In particular, in cognitively demanding tasks, the cognitive load state is significantly increased under Earth gravity [7]. How cognitive load changes under simulated and real microgravity and what influence motor learning tasks have on cognitive load states has not yet been explored. However, this is an important factor in the task and work time allocation of astronauts during longer-term stays on the ISS or possible future flights to other planets and moons. Understanding the relationships would have the added benefit of knowing about ways to prevent permanent overwork and the associated high risk of mental disorders (e.g. burnout)