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Information Synthesis for Answer Validation.

Rui Wang; Günter Neumann
In: CLEF 2008 Working Notes. Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF-2008), September 17-19, Aarhus, Denmark, Springer Verlag, 2008.


This report is about our participation in the Answer Validation Exercise (AVE2008). Our system casts the AVE task into a Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) problem and uses an existing RTE system to validate answers. Additional information from named-entity (NE) recognizer, question analysis component, and so on, is also considered as assistances to make the final decision. In all, we have submitted two runs, one run for English and the other for German. They have achieved f-measures of 0.64 and 0.61 respectively. Compared with our system last year, which purely depends on the output of the RTE system, the extra information does show its effectiveness.

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