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Augmented Maps & Environments: Approaches, Applications & Interactions.

Gerhard Schall; Johannes Schöning; Volker Paelke; Georg Gartner
In: Sognian Li; Suzana Dragicevic; Bert Veenendaal (Hrsg.). Advances in Web-based GIS, Mapping Services and Applications. Chapter ISPRS, CRC Press/ Taylor and Francis, 2009.


With the advent of both pervasive environments and ubiquitous computing infrastructures, augmented reality (AR) interfaces are evolving in various application domains. AR provides a set of methods to enhance the real environment with registered virtual information overlays, which has promising applications in the domains of geographic information systems (GIS) and mobile mapping services. Several approaches for AR interfaces have been successfully implemented ranging from projector-based to video-see-through metaphors, suggesting different ways of interaction. AR interfaces have a very close relation to GIScience and geovisualization, most notably in that AR systems deal with large volumes of inherently spatial data. The development of scalable AR systems therefore draws on many infrastructures and algorithms from GIScience (e.g. efficient management and retrieval of spatial data, precise positioning). On the other hand, the use of AR as a user interface paradigm has great potential for the development of novel geospatial applications: most importantly, AR provides intuitive mechanisms for interaction with spatial data and bridges the gap between the real environment and abstracted map representations in a way that can be flexibly adapted according to the current requirements of the users. In this book chapter, we give an overview of the actual state of the art on augmented maps and provide a categorization of different AR applications using augmented maps from a theoretical and technical point of view. One of the most important geospatial AR application development areas have been augmented maps and augmenting the real world with spatial information. In addition we intend to outline current developments and future trends of augmented reality interfaces over the next decade.