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A Framework for the Visualization of Brain Structures

Sebastian Thelen; Torsten Bierz; Britta Müller; Hans Hagen; Achim Ebert; Eckard Friauf; Jörg Meyer
In: H. Hagen; M. Hering-Bertram; C. Garth. GI Lecture Notes in informatiacs, Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets. Pages 54-63, GI Lecture Notes in Informatics, 2007.


Nowadays, biologists investigate different causes for deafness. One reason is a damage in a particular region of the auditory brain stem. These differences were discovered by investigating brain slices of different laboratory mice. However, these slices are only a two dimensional representation of the whole brain part. The arising question was how these differences of structure affect the three dimensional representation of this region. Therefore, an interdisciplinary framework was developed, which allows even unknown users to investigate and compare these regions.