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CRUV - A Collaborative Route-Planning System for Utility Vehicles

Christopher Tuot; Darko Obradovic; Fabian Fichter; Andreas A. Dengel
In: Proceedings of the 1st Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium. Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium (CVT-10), March 16-18, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Shaker Verlag, 2010.


In this paper we first present the Collaborative Route-planning system for Utility Vehicles (CRUV), a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) using the geographical information provided by OpenStreetMap (OSM) to deliver more adapted routing for heavy and large vehicles (e.g., lorries, tractors, . . . ). We further describe a second SDSS: the biomassplanner, a mashup of maps and tabular information developed at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and providing an intuitive platform for effcient biomass planning on the scale of a single production plant. Finally we explain how our collaborative routeplanning system for utility vehicles is beeing integrated with the DFKI biomass-planner, currently suited for single production plants, to enable effcient biomass planning and logistic planning on a larger scale.
