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Inflectional Morphology in Turkish VP Coordination

Antske Fokkens; Laurie Poulson; Emily M. Bender
In: Stefan Müller (Hrsg.). The Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG-09), 16th, July 16-18, Göttingen, Germany, CSLI, 2009.


We address three properties of Turkish morphology and VP coordination: the identification of tense and aspect values across conjuncts, the optional omission of affixes on non-final conjuncts coordinated with the word ve and the obligatory sharing of scopal modals across conjuncts in coordination structures with the affix -ip. For the modals in an -ip structure, we propose an analysis that uses syntactic features to trigger the application of a construction at the level of the coordinated VP introducing the scopal predications. Our analysis is implemented in a small HPSG grammar and tested against datasets confirming the functionality and consistency of the analysis.