VRVis - an API for Immersive Geospatial Visualization
Alexander Löffler
Mastersthesis, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany, 10/2004.
Virtual Environments have developed from scientific experiments towards vital parts of engineering and design cycles. In geoscience, the usage of Virtual Reality is in an experimental, early stage. The focus should be on fast application development, testing, and optimization. A common basis that visualizations could build on and thus save repetitive tasks, is yet missing.
This thesis describes VRVis, an Application Programming Interface (API) for a rapid development of immersive VR applications in the realm of geospatial visualization. VRVis provides high-level functionality for reading and formatting imagery, creating and positioning visual data representations and for interacting with the virtual space. At the same time, VRVis enables access to low-level functions, like drawing and direct data manipulation.
VRVis is based on VR Juggler and OpenGL, standard open-source Virtual Reality and interactive graphics APIs.