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Towards Usability Mining

Tom Thaler
In: Lecture Notes in Informatics. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (INFORMATIK-14), Big Data - Komplexität meistern, September 22-26, Stuttgart, Germany, Bonner Köllen Verlag, 2014.


The usability of business information systems (BIS) plays an important role in the selection of corresponding software products and is therefore a crucial characteristic of differentiation. Nevertheless, there are no automatic techniques considering the process aspects of these systems in an adequate manner. Hence, the paper at hand aims at the automatic derivation of software usage reference models, which serve as a basis for measuring the usability of business information systems and its supported process. Apart from conventional event logs, further data, like element positions or sensor data, should also be taken into account. Analyzing these data in the context of business process usability and software usability bases on established techniques from the fields of business process analysis and usability engineering. The resulting method “Usability Mining” aims at the target-oriented design of BIS and an adequate technical support for business processes.