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Interactive Service Composition and Query

Simon Bergweiler
In: Wolfgang Wahlster; Hans-Joachim Grallert; Stefan Wess; Hermann Friedrich; Thomas Widenka (Hrsg.). Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program. Pages 163-178, Cognitive Technologies, ISBN 978-3-319-06754-4, Springer, 10/2014.


The various modern services on the Internet offer a wealth of information. Therefore, the provision of specific credible information becomes more important. Nowadays, different lightweight application architectures based on Web services establish themselves as de facto standards for data access and data publishing via so-called REST-based interfaces on the Internet. Within these approaches a flexi-ble integration of services data is becoming reality and for the Internet of the fu-ture, these activities, designed as Linked Open Data, are becoming increasingly important. In this paper we describe the development of a framework named Joint Service Engine (JSE) for the discovery, integration, processing, and fusion of “semantical-ly” annotated Web services. The focus is on the discovery of appropriate service information and fusion of all gathered information in real time. The processing chain includes the harmonization of different data structures obtained from heter-ogeneous Web services that have to be mapped to specific pre-defined domain on-tologies. In a multimodal dialog-shell, JSE supports the system to answer spoken queries like „Give me the neighboring countries of Germany, their populations and the geo-coordinates of the respective capitals“. This requires several service calls and the filtering and combination of their results to provide an adequate an-swer.
