Building Multimodal Dialog User Interfaces in the Context of the Internet of Services
Daniel Porta; Matthieu Deru; Simon Bergweiler; Gerd Herzog; Peter Poller
In: Wolfgang Wahlster; Hans-Joachim Grallert; Stefan Wess; Hermann Friedrich; Thomas Widenka (Hrsg.). Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program. Pages 145-162, Cognitive Technologies, ISBN 978-3-319-06754-4, Springer, 10/2014.
We show how to build innovative multimodal dialogue user interfaces that
integrate multiple heterogeneous Web services as data sources on the basis of the
Ontology-based Dialogue Platform (ODP). More specifically, we will describe how
to exploit ODPs well-defined extension points and how generic ODP processing
modules can be adopted in order to support a rapid dialogue system engineering
process. By means of the latest ODP-based educational information system CIRIUS
and the ODP workbench, a set of Eclipse-based editors and tools, we demonstrate
step-by-step along the generic dialogue processing chain what has to be done for
developing a new multimodal dialogue user interface for a specific application domain.