Exploring 3D Interaction Techniques for Stereoscopic Content using Consumer Tracking Devices
Marco Speicher
Mastersthesis, Saarland University Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology Department of Computer Science, 3/2014.
In the last decade 3D is getting more and more popular, e.g. 3D movies and gaming. While recent commodity hardware for input (depth sensors, etc.) and output (mono-, stereo- or autostereoscopic displays) is powerful and affordable, only few solutions for natural interaction in 3D virtual environmens exist. Especially, navigation and manipulation in virtual environments are universal interaction tasks. Even though they have been in the focus of research intensively, still no suitable solution for Virtual reality-based environments and commodity hardware exist. Therefore, this work explores and investigates the development and adaption of novel and intuitive interaction concepts, realized by using the Kinect and a touch-enabled smartphone as affordable 3D input devices. The interaction techniques proposed in this work were evaluated and investigated in two within-subjects experiments. The two conducted experiments were a docking task, and a travel task respectively, using Kinect and a mobile phone with monoscopic and stereoscopic content on a large projection wall. The results of the two studies show that monoscopic content leads to more precise translation and rotation for docking tasks, especially when simultaneous manipulations on all three axes are required. Moreover, the experimental results indicate that physical body-motion based travel techniques outperform virtual techniques with respect to task completion time and efficiency.